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Do I have to pay to get into Kingston Christmas Market?

No ticket or payment is needed to access the Christmas market in Kingston Upon Thames, it is a completely free event. Tickets are only required for attractions and rides such as the carousel.

Are there toilets?

Yes, temporary event toilets are located in the grounds of All Saints Church, which you’ll find just off Clarence Street in Kingston town centre. Disabled toilet facilities can also be found here, and further accessible toilets are listed on the plan your visit page.

How do I access the market?

The market is located on the pedestrianised streets in the heart of Kingston-upon-Thames, so you are free to stroll around as you wish.

How do I get to Kingston Christmas Market?

Click here for travel and parking information.

What time does the Christmas market open?

Click here for our opening times. 

Is smoking permitted?

As an outdoor venue, smoking is permitted but please be considerate towards other visitors.

Who can I contact about lost property?

For all lost property queries, please email

Can I bring my dog?

Yes, dogs are permitted but must remain on a lead at all times. However, the market can be very busy, especially at weekends, and therefore may not be a suitable environment for dogs. We welcome Assistance dogs to Kingston Christmas Market.

How can I trade at Kingston Christmas Market?

For details on how to apply for a stall, please visit our stallholders page.

Is the market covered if it’s raining?

The Kingston Christmas Market is all in the open air, so if it is raining, you might like to bring an umbrella! There are some covered seating areas in Ancient Market Place. If the weather is particularly bad, the decision may be taken to close the market for the safety of guests and staff. Please check our social media pages for updates if this occurs.

Can I take photos at the market?

Yes! We love to see the photos you take at the market, so please tag @kingstonchristmasmarket in them when you post them on social media. 

Are drones allowed?

Drones are not permitted in the marketplace. 

What payment methods can I use at the market?

Most of our traders accept cash and card, although card payments are preferable. 

There are a number of cash points in and around the Ancient Market Place should you require them. 

How can I find out who will be trading at this year’s market?

We will be adding our full list of traders here, closer to the start of the market.

Where can I find out who will be performing on the Pyramid Bar Stage?

We will be adding a list of performers here as we get closer to the opening of the market. However, for the most up-to-date schedules, please visit our Instagram or Facebook pages. 

Where can I find out further information?

You’ll find all the latest information about Kingston Christmas Market on our social media channels. If you’re unable to find the information you are looking for, please contact and our team will get back to you as soon as possible. 

© Kingston Christmas Market 2025

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